Planet 9 is a theoretical undiscovered giant planet in the outer region of our solar system. Planet 9 was hypothetically explained to exist beyond Neptune. The planet 9 was said to be at far as 30 AU from the sun at the edge of solar system where Kuiper belt lies. 

                  The objects in the Kuiper belt ranges from 0-1200 km. The kuiper belt objects are scattered into small bits of planetary materials which were normally never considered as planets. 

                  According to some mathematical calculations and computer simulations the orbits we see in the Kuiper Belt can only be created if Neptune was a few AU closer to the sun and migrated outward to it's present orbit. The migration of Neptune explains the presence of highly elliptical orbits in the Kuiper belt which gives rise to the imagination of 9'th planet. 

                      The gravitation force that inner planets are facing also gives  the evidence of presence of 9'th planet.

                         some planet like objects were observed but they were all confined to one quadrant of the solar system. Finding several extreme KBOs  on orbits gave hints to two astronomers  to calculate that only large , very distant planet could keep all orbits confined to part ofthe solar system, and the theory of planet 9 was born.

                       Planet 9 was assumed to be at least 10 times as large as Earth and its orbit lurking between 300-700 AU. There have been so many publications of assumptions  of 9'th planet but it has not been discovered yet. 

                             Astronomers have used the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope over five years to look and research about KBOs. 

                          Voyager 1 which has launched in 1977, and it took until the end of 2004 to cross the the termination shock; the place where our sun's influence meets and gives over to forces to interstellar space, at very  edge of our solar system. Planet 9, which NASA calls Planet X, orbits sun in a highly elongated orbit far beyond Pluto.
via wikipedia

The planet 9 hasn't been confirmed yet about its existence but it has been a topic for astronomers to study far beyond Neptune about the gravitational influence planet 9 has.

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