By Admin ,

For most of us the idea of parallel universe is a wild dream. Parallel universe is a place where certain events have different results then our reality. The first idea of parallel universe was introduced in comic books. Originally it was just return in science fiction, ''New dimension'' but today it may refer as undiscovered and unsolved mystery. 

                  In 1954, a young Princeton University doctoral candidate Hugh Everette III came up with a radical idea that there exist a parallel universe just like ours. All those universes are related to ours; and our universe with others. With those other universes the outcome of and certain event would have been very different then the once we know. The species that are extinct in our universe may have evolved in parallel universe whereas we; Humans may have become extinct in their universe. This thought boggles the mind and yet, it is still comprehensible. 

         Some people think that parallel universe exists and they also imagine copies of ourselves running around in some other  dimension which is exactly opposite thought presented by Huge Everette III. 


                On the other hand string theory somehow suggests Multiverse to exist. The first published string theory suggested too many universes. It predicted not single but some 10500 versions of spacetime, each with their own law of physics. Some theories suggests dark matter and dark energy are key to multiverse. the notable feature of string theory is that it suggested extra dimensions for their mathematical consistency. in bosonic string theory, spacetime is 26 dimensional, super string theory predicts 10 dimensions whereas m-theory suggested 11 dimensions. 

In simple words universe comprise everything that exists; the entire space, time, matter, energy,physical laws etc. The different universes within multiverse are called parallel universes because parallel universes are sub-constituent of multiverse. 

           lets talk from the beginning of the formation of the universe; BIG BANG. Our universe that we see was created around 13.7 billion years ago from a point null space with infinite energy with a big bang. The majority of the astronomical community accepts big bang but it only suggested a bang to our only known universe. So the question arises how are other universe created? If we look at the the big bang theory again; it says; '' THE FIRST SECOND WAS THE BIRTH OF LIGHT''. What if those lights were formed at multiple places such as to create other universes. This is the hot topic, that everyone wants to debate but  no one has clear idea. Future calculations and theories may be able to help to find out whether these conspiracy theories about parallel universe are correct or not.

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